Tuesday 3 January 2012

I,is probably is the smallest word in our vocabalary but is the most used n most thought of word... Everyone does go, lengths for it. If its left to us we would make every moment about us & what we want alone! We rarely think of anyone else.. The only sad part here is that we don't appreciate the resource we do get. In the end, we are just plain self-fish..!
Those of us who paid attention in our beloved english lessons,will say that I should better use spell check.. Well I didn't so.. that doesn't count..:D I Know I did spelled it wrong , cause if I didnt, I could not go on writing this piece..as I like to tell a story, this one includes a Goldfish..
“ On one bright sunny day a girl petted two goldfish of same breed. They looked alike,were similarly attired and one couldnot tell them apart. The girl transferred one of the fish in a glass jar n left the other one in the same package the both came in. That package was large n had alot of room to swril n turn in it for the both of them whereas the glass jar was small and could barely befitted that one fish. The fish in the jar became rapidly jealous of that other fish,but comforted herself with the fact the she was in a glass jar instead of the plastic bag. Still couldn't stand to see the other fish, move in any direction she wanted.As per Fish nature all sort of fishy conspiracy started to bubble up in her mind to transfer herself back to that bag. So she started to take pendulum rotation and pushed herself back and forth until she half tilted her jar ,pouring out most of the water it contained and still couldnot row herself out of that jar and into that bag. Now, she was left with little resource and a lot load of less room. She has to come up with an another bubbly Idea..or else.! So she tried something different with the same strategie. While pushing the jar in tilted position over the back she will jump right in. Then Swish..! She fell right in..Now when she was in she could see exactly why the other fish was twisting and turning. The water was filled with filth . The other fish was gasping for oxygen not with joy or salvation or alone freedom. Guess what she wants out here as well n pulled herself for another high jump n landed herself n that other fish on the ground. After that, we all know what happened next. The girl finally came back in the room,missed all the action n was left with cleanup duty”
As humans we ought to be a bit different then animals but the truth is a man without a conscience is no better than that fish in that tank who is selfish..counting on only wat she wants. That fish's"I" lead to her death n the one around her. We think less about the consequences one thing might bring to us or to the people around us and more about what one thing means to us . Even less about if that thing is worth anything !.We alone are compiled fragments of self-destructive dynamites,we need to take a little breather and think for a moment. Or atleast listen to apart from our stagnant minds... With this message I shall round up the topic n this year..
Hopefully the new year bring in new opportunities and rounds up a little Faith aswell :)

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